“Do you know why I’m Anglican?” asked one of the leaders of Iglesia del Gran Pastor, the largest ACNA congregation in Mexico. “I’m Anglican because it is a church filled with the love of God.”
During a time of testimonies and evaluation after the week of Caminemos Juntos events, leader after leader shared similar comments. Many were deeply touched by the commissioning service in which leaders were sent out to plant churches through a foot washing service. In a context often marked by authoritarian leaders, having their feet washed by their bishop and clergy brought tears and deep healing.
Over 50 leaders from 3 countries (Brazil, Chile, USA), 10 denominations and at least 5 states within Mexico gathered for the third annual Caminemos Juntos: México conference in Fresnillo, Zacatecas.
This year in addition to the usual 2-day conference with workshops and plenaries there was a 4-day intensive leadership training session on Anglican Identity and Mission. Jonathan Kindberg the dean for the Mexico deanery of the Diocese of the Southwest, team taught the training along with Chilean missionary Christian Zúñiga (who is planting a church in New Braunfels, Texas) and Pablo Zavala, brother of Archbishop Tito Zavala and president of the committee which oversees the Anglican seminary in Chile.
Bishop Mark Zimmerman, bishop of the ACNA diocese of the Southwest of which the Mexican congregations are a part, brought the week to a close preaching on the Ascended Christ and baptizing 3 children as part of the Sunday service at Iglesia del Gran Pastor.
Sunday service with Bp. Mark at Iglesia del Gran Pastor
A highlight this year was the participation of both students and professors from the All Nations (Todas Las Naciones) Seminary in Ciudad Juarez. This seminary is beginning to partner with the ACNA in planting churches and reaching the 120 million residents of Mexico. Plans are underway for new churches and the raising up of new leaders in Juarez and other cities throughout Mexico as small steps are taken towards becoming it’s own diocese.
Students who participated in the week long training